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Good day bloggers/wapmasters!
This is an issue that many bloggers have been complaining about downloaded templates. When using a follow-come (as we call it) template, you can easily costumize the text size and styles. But that's not the case for downloaded templates. But I came accross a solution to that and am going to be dropping
it here. So without wasting much of your time, let's get started.

Login to your blogger account and select the blog you want to costumize. Goto LAYOUT and ADD GADGET. Select HTML/JAVASCIPT and paste the below codes in the box

function go1(){
if (document.selecter2.select2.options
[document.selecter2.select2.selectedIndex].value !=
"none") {
function go2(){
if (document.selecter2.select3.options
[document.selecter2.select3.selectedIndex].value !=
"none") {
<form id="forma" name="selecter2" method="POST">
<select onchange="go2()" style="font-
family:verdana;font-size:8pt" name="select3" size="1">
<option value="Times New Roman"/>Times New Roman
<option value="Arial"/>Arial
<option selected value="Book Antiqua"/>Book Antiqua
<option value="Bookman Old Style"/>Bookman Old Style
<option value="Century Gothic"/>Century Gothic
<option value="Comic Sans Ms"/>Comic Sans Ms
<option value="Tahoma"/>Tahoma
<option selected value="Trebuchet Ms"//>Trebuchet Ms
<option value="Verdana"/>Verdana
<select onchange="go1()" style="font-
family:verdana;font-size:8pt" name="select2" size="1">
<option value="8px"/>8
<option value="9px"/>9
<option value="10px"/>10
<option value="11px"/>11
<option selected value="12px"/>12
<option value="14px"/>14
<option value="16px"/>16
<option value="18px"/>18

Click SAVE and we are done!

Don't forget to share your blogging problems in the comment box, and we can solve it together..