There are a lot of blogging platforms out there like wordpress. Blogger, tumblr etc, but I love using blogger because of their easy to use blogging platform. It is very
easy to create a blog on blogger and start publishing posts. Here are the steps to create a blog on blogger and start making money.

Step 1
Using firefox or chrome browser go to

Step 2
When the bogger window pops-up, click on “Create Your Blog”. A new window will pop-up where you will create your account using your gmail.

Step 3
Put in your display Name and click “Continue to blogger”

Step 4
Now click on “Create new Blog” a new window will open.

Step 5
Enter a title in the first box. This will be the title of your blog. I'll advice you to choose something you are passionate about. Now in the second box, enter a URL for your blog, like “yourpagetitle” and blogger will add their domain extension to it i.e “”. If it is unavailable, probably someone else already have that url, try another address but don't include symbols.

Step 6
Choose a template from the designs listed

Step 7
Now click on “Create Blog”

Now before I show you how to create your first post, let me explain the blogger menu options so that you'll be familiar with them. I'll start from the last option, which is “Settings”

1.Settings: this is where you can adjust other settings like language, comments and sharing, time zone, whether your blog would be included in search engines etc.

2.Themes: you can customize the look of your blog beyond the starter elements. You can also change your template from here.

3.Layout: this is where you can add gadgets to your blog and customize the look of your blog.

4.Pages: this option is self explainatory. You can create pages for your blog here.

5.Campaigns: do you want to make your blog popular? You can choose a campaign here and advertize your blog accross thousands of blogs.

6.Earnings: link your blogger account to adsense and make money with your blog. Here your can choose how adsense wil show ads on your blog. There are other ways to make money with your blog.

7.Comments: check out who made comments on your blog posts.

8.Stats: find out how well your blog is doing getting traffic and how many number of views and visits you are getting on your blog. You can also see where most of your traffic is coming from.

9,Posts: here you will see lists of posts you have published or yet to publish. You can also select and edit posts from here.

Now let me teach you how to create your first post on blogger

1.Click on “New Post” at the top of the screen.
2.In the new window, enter your post title inside the “title box”
3.Now click on “Compose” to add your main content.
4.When done, click “Publish” at the top right conner of the window to make your post go live. You can edit published posts, if you find errors.