
Hello guys! Itz your tutor Jaydrakes once more and in this tutorial, I'll be showing you how you can lnk your google adsense account to another of your adsense account.
Let's get Started!

1. First Step. Login to your new adsense account
2. Click on ACCOUNT SETTINGS from the right-top side of  your Dashboard.
3. From the options, choose ACCESS AND AUTHORIZATION, under it choose USER MANAGEMENT
4. In the window under User Management type in your old gmail account and click INVITE
5. You will be sent an email on your old gmail account that you have been invited. Log in to the old gmail account and click on the link to accept the invite.
6. Now under Access and Authorization on your new Adsense account, give your old googe account which you invited ADMINISTRATION role.  
7. Login to Adsense with your old gmail account and repeat steps 2, 3 and 4. After inviting your new account, login to your new gmail account and click on the link to accept the invite. Now the two Google Adsense accounts are linked and connected to each other.
But you will have to login again to your old adsense account and goto Account Settings->Access and Authorization , give your new googe account which you invited ADMINISTRATION role. 

You now have full access to operate the two accounts with either one. I hope you understood the tutorial? Take your time go over it again, if you have questions drop your comment.

Have a nice day!