3 proven ways to improve your google adsense earnings

google adsense photo: Google AdSense AdSense-logo.png

Monetizing your website with Adsense is the best way to make money online. While a lot of webmasters are struggling to make a few cents a day, some google adsense genuises are raking in hundreds of dollars a day with adsense on their websites. If you to fall into the low earning category, well this tutorial is for you. If you follow the tips I'll be showing you today, you may well join some of the Big earninggenuises. Let's begin

Tip 1
When creating ads, choose a custom format for your ads. Choose a marching
color to your website's backgroung. If your blog or site has a white background, then use white as your ad background color. This idea is to make your adsense ad look like its part of your page, which will make people click on your ads. And you know the more the clicks, the more the money.

Tip 2
Ad formats: ad format plays and important role to get higher earnings. The one format that has worked wonders for most successful bloggers is the large rectangle (336x280). This ad format has the tendency to result in higher click through rates (CTR) because it looks like normal web links. People usually click on ads with such format, but they don't know they are ads. Because if they do know, they won't click on them. That's why you aren't making much from your adsense ads. Try to change the ad formats, and I bet you.....lemme stop here

Tip 3
Always place your adsense ads at the top of your page. Do not hide your ads, put them where people will always see when they enter a page. I'll sugest after your page title before the main post and between your post.
You can also read on best location to place your ads.

Hope this tutorial helps you on your path to success with adsense monetization. More helpful tutorials will be coming your way soon. You can subscibe to my newsletter to get new updates ASAP.

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