Hello guys! Welcome to another awesome tutorial on Bestutorialz. In this tutorial, I'll be sharing with you how you can transfer your contents on blogger to your wordpress account.
I know some of you may be wondering if this is possible, well yes it is. And the
great thing is, its very simple to perform this task.
Now let's get started!

Step 1
Login to your blogger dashboard

Step 2
Click “Settings” ->Other

Step 3
Now at the top of the window you will see “import and backup”. Now click “Backup content. After you have backup your contents, take note of the filename.

Step 4
Now go to the wordpress blog you want to import these files on and Enter “Settings”

Step 5
Click the “import” tab and click on “Start import”

Step 6
A new window will pop-up, now Choose “Blogger” from the list

Step 7
Now click on the “Choose File” button and select your backup blogger contents.

Step 8
Finally click on “Upload File and Import”

You have now successfully transfered your blogger contents to your wordpress blog. You can also use this method to transfer your wordpress contents to blogger.

Have a nice day!